today,going to school at 11 wif my frend.praticing drama for Leo installation.i think we had don it well today.after that,just had a burger for my lunch.then go into that this i had extremlly tired already.the president of leo clud kust keepping calling us to gather under the big sun.i felt i had pengsan...and then,going to give the leo shirt again.tired already call me doing work again.oh my god...just giving shirt also had take four period time=2 hours...then...just going back class and rest for a while....recces as perfrect had to work...then,recieved a bad news again...teacher meeting,perfect had to go to "jaga" poor is me."jaga"class wanted to stand for a long that time i had felt asleep already.just sitting down and sleep for a wal.then teacehr finish meeting,go back class...hear our "respect"teacher talking many thing "ali"one la...just talk all the rubbish thing that not connect to the class one....i just dreaming on her class...but her voice is to loud already,make me doone to hear also cannot..y a student alway want to hear teacher talking and just keep quited there....?i hate right this one classes.....then, accembly...perfect again wanted to stand behind.....just giving the prices today..kabadi one..all the india student had took the prices....

after accembely,going home!a happy time i wait.but going home,tuition is waiting for tuition,i most hate this.but,i am a gud kid,just go for the tuition....just fell sleepy at there...after 1.30 hour.tuition finish.going back my beg and busy doing my work and project.happy because had finish a project again............


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