目前分類:memories... (2)

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 Rukia Kuchiki (1).jpeg


i enter into a school name 精武小学...

学记life just start now following by the footstep i cross into the school.....

firstly, i got kinda of shock....

annd the 学哥学姐is fierce like lion(SERIOUSLY)

i really get a shock....cause when i smile with some of them...

they just reply me cooly by:"xue mei,can you run faster?take it serious!"

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P1120813.JPG    drawing competition.....

P1120989.JPG  with cousin and family..........penang

P1120963.JPG     my dearest and awesome mum.....

P1130017.JPG    cute brother......thanks for you making my life more interesting and full of colour......does dear to one is the best and most trustworthy in the world...

P1130016.JPG   what facial expression is this?although they angry eith you sometimes...but it will be forgetable after some minutes....

P1130110.JPG    BUskin Robin.....this is what call "family"





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