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preparing kolum contest...






preparing the rice...

my poster...


my drawing exam...picture

michelle96 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

today,18 AUG

a happy day but....today is very very very...hot.untill my head wan tbreak down already.how come?but happy also cause the exam had finish and me is free now.after this,i think i will busy also cause hua yue gt many thing one to do.whatever la....don think so much first...

today,when exam going on...do know how come i feel very hungry?and no mood one to exam..i think is me at the resses time no eat gua....after last paper-sej.me and my frend go to eat at a kopitiam.lol...first time go out eating wif her...talking and eating my favariout food in there...

michelle96 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

wow,today first day going back to school.feel like excited but sad going to school.see my frend,my teacher,my test paper......all also i see today.our teacher had devided class again and luckly i am still in the same class.same frend same teacher...all same as usual...

bt today all teacher was busying giving the test paper.lucky,all i had past and gt A'.happy.........cause tat jenny yuck had take bad result.but i don care wat.in the assembly,priciple had call me to his office and talking some thing...i think i had hear in heart but i don think my frend had remember it....just right tat again.and the dicipline in school is more.....now.but i know this is all gud for student to be a gud student in the future...

haizzz.......................all my frend also rigth tat.so DISAPOINTED.wish all thing star at today and will end also today lol....

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